XY Manipulator motions are defined as either Circular Pattern (sometimes called Vector Sum) or as Square Pattern.
For example, a manipulator with a ±0.5" (±12.5 mm) of XY travel, Circular Pattern, will move the center of the translated device anywhere within a 1" (25 mm) circle, as shown in the graphic, below. Note that the radial offset (the sum of the vectors) will remain constant while the individual X and Y offsets vary. For a manipulator with ±1.0" (±25 mm) of XY travel, Circular Pattern, the values will be twice that of the ±0.5" (±12.5 mm) values but the relationships will persist.
Unless specified otherwise, all MTS manipulators, as well as all other manufacturer's manipulators are circular pattern. Also, the minimum bellows ID must equal twice the radial offset plus the diameter of the device to be translated. Be sure to keep this in mind when specifying a manipulator.
A manipulator with ±0.5" (±12.5 mm) of XY travel, Square Pattern, will move the center of the translated device anywhere within a 1" square so that when both the X and Y orthogonal offsets are at 0.5" (12.5 mm), the bellows is actually offset 0.707" (18 mm). As above, for a manipulator with ±1.0" (±25 mm) of XY travel, the values will be twice that of the ±0.5" (±12.5 mm) values, but the relationships will persist.