Due to a near-calamity on a contaminated item shipped to McAllister Technical Services (MTS), we have instituted a Return Material Authorization (RMA) process to protect both our employees and customers.  In the event an item must be returned or sent to MTS, please browse to RMA Request, download, complete and sign the appropriate form(s) to expedite your request. Upon receipt of acceptable forms by MTS, a RMA number will be assigned and the countersigned forms returned to you for inclusion in your shipment. Note: Unless the item is either new or not contaminated, be sure to complete both forms. 


The appropriate form(s) must be completed prior to returning equipment to MTS for evaluation, repair, refurbishing, trade-in or replacement. Please fully complete the appropriate form for each piece of equipment being returned, sign it and send a copy to MTS (FAX 208-772-3384). If approved, a Return Authorization Number (RA#) will be issued.  Items received without an approved RMA will be declined.


Decontamination Certificate          RMA Request Form